This month is a great time to reflect, be grateful, and allow space to create your intentions and goals for 2016. And although you’re probably busy, I’m still going to encourage you to take some time to do so.

Create a moment to reflect on your leadership experiences of this year. Ask yourself:

– What worked in your leadership?

– What strengths have you been able to put to work?

– And what’s your vision for 2016?

One tool that will help you in this process is to choose one leadership word for 2016.


One leadership word for the whole year.


One word that guides you, inspires you, and supports you.


My leadership word for 2014 was Connection.

Connection was my reminder to really connect with my family, friends, clients, and

team members. Really being with them. And it worked. Simple and effective.

Choosing one word to guide and inspire my leadership is compelling to me because

it doesn’t add another “Should” or “To Do”. My leadership word calls me out, rather

than pushing me to work harder.


My leadership word for 2015 was Inspire.

That word connected to my mission: inspire people to grow themselves as leaders

and make a difference in the world.


What will be your leadership word for 2016?

I have created a little coaching tool – The Leadership Word Discovery Tool – that

will support you in choosing your leadership word. If you want to grab the Leadership-Word-Discovery-Tool, download it here.


While choosing your leadership word keep the following tips in mind:

– Choose.

Your leadership word doesn’t need to be the perfect word.

– Surprise yourself.

Be surprised with what word pops up for you.

– Think Abundance.

Create from a place of abundance and inspiration not from fear or lack.

Please download your Leadership-Word-Discovery-Tool, by clicking here.