What do Superman, Wonderwoman, and a leader have in common?

Their iconic dress code? That would change the look of the work place!

No, that’s not it.

Sometimes I meet with a client who thinks that leadership requires being some kind of Superman or Wonderwoman. They need to be a super human who is strong, solves all the problems, and knows all the answers. They think that if they show vulnerability, they will be stopped being seen as a leader.

But here’s the truth:

Being a leader is about being human. And humans have:

– Ups and downs in their lives;

– Strengths and weaknesses;

– Preferences, moods, and sometimes bad habits.

That’s being human.

Your co-workers will appreciate you so much more if you show that you don’t know all the answers, show some vulnerability, and be human. They can relate more to a human than to a Wonderwoman or Superman. They won’t remember your impressive resume

…but tell them about how you struggled with your teenage son or how you overcame a weakness. They will remember.

That’s because it makes you human.

Showing your human side enables your employees to connect with you. And people need connection. More than ever, employees are seeking a deeper connection than the “thumbs up” gestures. (Though they still like those too!)

Superman, Wonderwoman, and a leader DO have something in common: their response to a specific situation.

Superman, Wonderwoman, and a leader are:

response – ible.


– Respond.

– Offer something in return.

– React to something.

That makes you a leader. Ignoring a situation in the hope that it will pass is not being a leader.

Superman, Wonderwoman and a good leader have also in common:

The quality of their response.


– Respond for the good.

– Offer something in return using a moral compass or a vision.

– React to something from healthy inner values.

Keep your Wonderwoman or Superman outfit and all the ideas of being superhuman for different occasions than the workplace.

Hey, we’re in the month of Halloween. Great opportunity.

In the workplace.

Be yourself. Be authentic. Be human. That’s enough a challenge.